Announcing A New Season

by | Jan 11, 2018 | Courage, Creativity, Deliverance, Faith, Fear, Future | 0 comments

I have walked up the trail and past the tree depicted in this picture for the last 15 years. On the day I took this photo, I had stopped to catch my breath and noticed the nail in the tree for the first time. It looks like a small sheetrock nail, and from its appearance, it has been stuck in the tree for many years. At one time, a notice of some kind hung from its shank.

The Lord directed me to take a photo of the nail. I knew He would eventually share with me what it meant. This morning, the Lord released a word to go with the picture.

It has been a long time since some of you have gone public with your hopes and dreams. You got busy with the demands placed on your life and a disengagement took place. The notice of your faith fell away over time. Today, you are being invited to re-post an announcement of those hopes and dreams.

If you look really close at your life, like I did when I glanced over at the tree on the side of the trail, an old nail of faith is still present. It is a bare nail awaiting a new announcement of a new adventure with God. You thought you were the only one who could see the nail, but God sees it, and so do those of us who know and love you. 

It is time to re-engage your hopes and dreams, but first, you need to go public. It needs to be announced publicly for all to see. Something is waiting to be released that requires a visible proclamation of your faith. Once the new notice is hung an acceleration of fulfillment will take place. Lost time is never a problem with God. To Him, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day.


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