Assigning Value To Prophetic Words

by | Mar 9, 2019 | Prophecy, Prophetic, Teaching, Word | 0 comments

The majority of prophetic words are not specific to individuals or groups. Predictive words or words that are spoken to individuals with great detail and accuracy are surely in the mix, but they are rare. In the last 40 years, I have delivered these specific words with Spirit-directed revelation and accuracy, but to think this is a summit to pursue in prophetic ministry can put us on a slippery slope toward compromise, thinking we have to always produce this kind of prophetic ministry. This is especially dangerous when we develop an audience who demand this content each time we open our mouth or sit behind a keyboard. Distinct prophetic words are not the badge of a higher anointing of prophetic ministry, they are simply part of it.

Paul addressed prophecy in I Corinthians 14:3 and said it “strengthens others, encourages them and comforts them.” Prophecy appeals by design to a larger group of people just as the written Scripture when it is taught to people all around the world in different cultures every Sunday. Scripture is preached 2,000 years removed from its original audience and context yet it carries the same anointing today as the day it was first delivered. Dismissing a generic-sounding word of prophecy as something less makes as much sense as saying the book of Ephesians only applies to those who attended a church meeting in Ephesus during the first century and heard the original draft of Paul’s epistle read for the first time.

Be slow to criticize or categorize what appears to be a generic word of prophecy as something less when compared to a specific word. Not much of New Covenant prophecy is specific. The majority is meant to encourage, exhort and comfort people. Some of the people who will come in contact with the words you prophesy will never meet you in this life. They will have read or heard something you released and their life will be impacted by the strength, comfort, and encouragement your words provided. 


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