You have awakened to a nightmare. When you woke up you thought you were
experiencing the lingering memory of a bad dream, but now you know its real. The
nightmare is a situation you are now having to face in your life.
You feel out of control trying to determine
reality from the bad dream. This is the devil’s playground. One of his dark tools is confusion. He is
trying to define your reality with fear.
Don’t allow it.
Right now – hear these words! You were birthed
in the heart of God – in the brilliance of His love. There is no darkness in you. Light gave you life. This is an attempt to
get you to live in the dark night-shadows of fear. God is greater than this lie. Snap out of this nightmarish dream state and
embrace the reality of your Risen Lord. Confront
these lying imaginations. Take every
thought into custody, cuff them and march them to the cross in a spiritual perp
walk. You have been empowered to live in victory whether awake or asleep. Wake
up and live it!