by Garris Elkins | Sep 6, 2018 | Church planting, Discipleship, Peace, Rest, Revelation, Trust
Jan and I said goodbye to cable TV about 8 years ago, and we have never looked back. We did the same thing with a landline phone. We now only use our cell phones. Right after our cable TV service was terminated, we went to Netflix, Hulu and now, Amazon Prime. We...
by Garris Elkins | Aug 21, 2018 | Church planting, Culture, Deliverance, Discipline, Faith, Fear, Freedom, Future, Kingdom of God, Spiritual Warfare
Some people prefer a fear-based message because it gives them a sense of purpose. It also sells books and gets hits on blogs and social media. In some ways, fear, conspiracy, and constant intrigue give people a reason to believe that something important exists beyond...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 12, 2018 | Change, Church planting, Culture, Evangelism, Fear, Freedom, Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God, Leadership, Peace, Prophecy, Reformation, Restoration, Spiritual Warfare, Teaching, Vision., Wisdom
Delusion and deception are beginning to drain away to reveal the truth of God. A deluding spirit has been sowing deception in the hearts of people for a very long time. This deception is so great that those held under its spell have been blinded to an emerging...
by Garris Elkins | Apr 22, 2018 | Apostle, Church planting, Teaching, Truth
Someone once gave me the impression, in no uncertain terms, they could not be deceived because they had sat under a particular pastor’s teaching for decades. While they were trying to give me that impression, they were living in obvious deception in one...
by Garris Elkins | Mar 7, 2018 | Apostle, Church planting, Discipleship, Fathers, Five-Fold Ministry, Gifts, Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prophecy, Reformation, Revelation, Spiritual Warfare, Teaching, Truth, Wisdom
If you want your voice to make a difference, let it become a consistent sound of hope. Many people misunderstand the nature of prophecy. The highest form of prophetic ministry is not revealing undiscovered facts about someone or making a dramatic proclamation about a...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 20, 2018 | Church planting, Fathers, Forgiveness, Freedom, Holiness, Humility, Identity, Justice, Kingdom of God, Love, Mercy, Obedience, Peace, Pride, Reconciliation
It doesn’t take much talent to catch a despised politician or someone we find disgusting in a moment of less than complimentary composure. In those moments a photo is snapped by an opportunist paparazzi to confirm our most base opinion about the person caught in a...