by Garris Elkins | Jul 9, 2020 | Culture, Faith, Favor, Fear, Healing, Honor, Hope, Humility, Peace, Pride, Restoration, Revelation
As I prepared our lunch of wild salmon, I used a mortar and pestle to crush together the ingredients of garlic, cilantro, and green onion to create a rub that would be applied to the salmon filet. I began to imagine the flavor they would bring in harmony when...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 4, 2020 | Apostle, Change, Church, Courage, Culture, Leadership, Revelation, Transition
On May 3, I wrote an article titled, “The Alarm Bells Are Sounding” and posted it on my social media sites. Like most prophetic insight, what we see is not always complete, nor has the context yet arrived for the prophetic word to be understood. Yesterday, Jentezen...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 4, 2020 | Change, Church, Culture, Deliverance
Every 4th of July, my dad would take my brother and me from our home in Los Gatos, California to a part of San Jose where we could buy strings of firecrackers. While the typical 4th of July fireworks were fun, it was the firecrackers that we loved the...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 2, 2020 | Apostle, Church, Creativity, Culture, Discipleship, Five-fold, Humility, Identity, Leadership, Ministry, Pride, Relationships, Teaching, Wisdom
Being of one heart has a greater impact than being of one mind. In a close environment where people work together toward a common goal, hearts that follow after God in love, create a healthy and cohesive work environment. The apostle Paul encouraged us in the...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 28, 2020 | Courage, Culture, Fear, Future, Healing, Hope
In the noise of the current social clamor, the voice of the Church can become diluted by politics, personal preferences, and undisciplined emotions. In this back and forth defensive environment, we can defend our preferred position to such a degree that we miss the...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 23, 2020 | Culture, Discernment, Discipline, Favor, Grace, Healing, Honor
Today, an angry man sped past Jan and me on our morning walk. It happened at a four-way stop and was a bit too close for comfort. Instead of offering him a vulgar gesture or a word of cursing, we blessed him. Everyday angry, depressed, and fearful people will...