by Garris Elkins | Oct 18, 2018 | Apostle, Discipleship, Father, Freedom, Future, Kingdom of God, Marriage, Relationships, Transition, Trust, Wisdom, Women
A spiritual father or mother must be secure enough in their calling to let their offspring play unsupervised in the real world. This release will reveal if what the parent placed in their children by wise counsel and a loving parenting presence will actually work when...
by Garris Elkins | Oct 12, 2018 | Courage, Death, Deliverance, Discipleship, Discipline, Family, Father, Fear, Freedom, Leadership, Love, Marriage, Mercy, Revelation, Trust
All my life, I have been a protector. I once protected my little brother from a neighborhood bully. In the 6th grade, I got in a fight defending a Native American friend who was surrounded by mocking white kids who were issuing racial slurs. When I married Jan, I have...
by Garris Elkins | Oct 4, 2018 | Dreams, Eternity, Family, Father, Fear, Freedom, Future, Hope, Justice, Marriage, Prayer, Promotion, Relationships, Restoration, Spiritual Warfare, Trust
Recently, during worship at a large gathering of pastors, I looked across the sanctuary and saw a friend. He is about my age, and I know he is processing his legacy. He and his wife have a beautiful family and have become grandparents. As the worship deepened, the...
by Garris Elkins | Oct 3, 2018 | Destiny, Eternity, Faith, Father, Freedom, Future, Identiy, Integrity
These two books have sat on the shelves of my library for over 30 years. One book is filled with John Wesley’s sermon notes published in 1847, and the other contains Charles Spurgeon’s sermons published in 1855. I pulled them off our bookshelf and held them in my...
by Garris Elkins | Sep 11, 2018 | Faith, Father, Fathers, Fear, Gifts, Giving, Honor, Marriage, Provision, Relationships, Trust, Wisdom
One of the most unique and fulfilling seasons in life is when we become spiritual fathers and mothers. This happens at about age 50 or so. That number is not absolute, but this assignment in life does require the accumulation of years. By this time, hopefully, we...
by Garris Elkins | Sep 9, 2018 | Discipleship, Faith, Father, Fear, Freedom, Future
The door of access you have been praying about will soon open, but there will be a surprise. You have been focused on a single doorway into your future, yet the door God plans to open is not the one that has gained your attention. You didn’t miss it. Your...