I have sensed the presence of darkness trying to push believers to a place of disillusionment and despair. The rapid changes taking place in faith and culture have caused some to feel worn down to a place of spiritual thinness. Trusted voices have abandoned positions of historic faith. Strange doctrines have arrived and asked us to embrace their delusion. This is a time-proven tactic of hell. It has the assignment to cause us to give up and walk away in disgust at what is taking place. Resist the lie. Resist its invitation for you to abandon hope. Hope is your most powerful weapon in rapidly changing times.
Daniel wrote in 7:25 about this malevolent force, “He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law…” This has direct application to the events of eschatology but it also reveals the tactics darkness has used over time to whittle away the faith of the Church in every generation.
The words “wear down” in this verse is defined as, “to wear out, to wear away, to harass.” This wearing away of our ability to believe is being accomplished by a never-ending challenge to what is true. It is the sandpaper of hell used to sand away and alter what has been held as truth for millennia.
If you are feeling like throwing in the towel and walking off into the spiritual sunset, I want to reach out to you and encourage you to hang in there. What you are feeling is being felt by many of us. Faith requires honesty with our emotions. In your honesty don’t let honesty be the end of your faith-transaction. Do something about what you are feeling. Call out the liar who is subtly inviting you to a life of thin despair. The only thing that has the ability to withstand this wearing down of our faith is the never-changing love of God expressed through Jesus Christ. This is your only hope. Hang on to it with all your strength!
Yes, this has been happening to me and it has been a hard battle that has been going on for awhile. Thank you very, very much for the insight and encouragement. Btw, your Night Sounds article was the first one I have ever read; about a month ago, I came across it. It blew me away! and ministered to me very personally in a timely way. (I have enjoyed reading your writing.)