Even So

by | May 15, 2023 | Prophetic | 6 comments

Yesterday, I failed at something the Lord has been working on in my life. I felt horrible that I made such a foolish choice, again. I knew better.

This morning, as I was reading the Psalms, I came to Psalm 106 which opens by describing the faithful love of God. In the next verses, I read how the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord just as their ancestors had done.   “We have done wrong! We have acted wickedly” (vs. 6).   Then I came to verse 8 I read, “Even so, he saved them – to defend the honor of his name and to demonstrate his mighty power.”

Maybe you are like me. When I sin against the Lord, I feel adrift, sorrowful, and wonder that because of my sin, even though confessed, might somehow stumble the promises of God in my life. It’s in those moments when I must recall the truth about God and His faithfulness, not remain focused and absorbed by my failure.

As verse 8 stated, “Even so, he saved them.” The “Even so” part of that verse was like a lifeline to me this morning. As I held tightly to the hope of “Even so”, I came to my senses and realized this was not just about me and missing the mark. Something much larger in scale was taking place. The Lord was defending His honor in my life by extending His mercy and forgiveness to me. He was demonstrating His mighty power in my life to redeem me at a time when I felt less than worthy of receiving his honor or experiencing His power.

When bodies are broken, when nations go astray, or when a follower of Jesus sins and misses the mark, it’s in those places where we need the Living God to heal, restore, or forgive us. His love is most clearly expressed in places of human weakness and brokenness, not where we feel strong, self-confident, or it appears to others that we have it all together.

In the places of our deepest despair when we see the reality of our failure is where God’s heart of redemption is most clearly expressed and felt. It is that place when He utters those most beautiful and hope-filled words, “Even so.”


  1. Lana della

    This is so good. This morning I woke praying for my adult children to live wholly for the Lord in all they do and say. This has been my prayer for many years and I’m seeing God’s mercy bringing them back to Him. I have 5 living and several are very stubborn and suffering from their wrong choices. I sometimes wake praying for God to bring them back by His mercy. This morning this prayer came, Father, for Your name’s sake …” Yes, for His glory and name’s sake heal and restore.
    Your sharing was confirmation. I believe He will. Thank you for sharing.

    I found you on FB Saturday when I was looking for a relative. My dad’s name was Park Elkins Senter. I believe Elkins was his mother’s maiden name.
    I saw your name and thought how beautiful that God has blessed you with the gift of prophecy. Blessings and shalom.

  2. Emery Smith

    Even so…
    What a wonderful promise of GOD’S unfailing love for us as He redeems and restores us, His beloved children.

    • Tin Man

      Brother you are making my eyes leak.. thank you.

  3. Kathy Anderson

    Reading this message is another demonstration of God’s perfect timing in my life — thank you!

  4. Cynthia Sherstad

    Thank you for the transparency in sharing what we too might consider our “downfall.”

    24 yrs ago the Lord wooed me back into His Sheepfold after the enemy convinced me my life was not worth living. During that time of reconciliation He had me joined to His hip. One day while I was driving down the highway I was worshipping him with a full heart and I said “Oh Lord…I NEVER want to disappoint you again!” Them immediately the Spirit softly replied with, “Ohh…but you will.” I was stunned at the words and the speed of which they were delivered. And yes…I continued to trip and fall but as I grew to trust Him, I began to step out in faith having a greater understanding of His grace and mercy.

  5. Jeff McLeod

    Hallelujah, What a Savior!


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