by | Dec 19, 2022 | Prophetic | 2 comments

Anything can be believed if the evidence is presented as an absolute fact giving the impression that it carries an unchangeable status, as unchangeable as God’s word. Only Scripture has the final and unchangeable word on matters of truth. All other forms of evidence must be subject to continual examination.

Paul wrote to the Corinthians to clarify his role in the Church. He said he was charged with explaining the mysteries of the faith, mysteries that can be buried beneath layers of our assumptions, personal histories, and customs. Paul said of himself “I don’t even trust my own judgment on this point” (I Corinthians 4:3). Paul went on to say, “Therefore, judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God” (vs. 4).

The usage of the word “judge” in this text is specific. It means to pronounce a judgment as final. It is so final that it demands censure of opposing opinions. The admonition to judge nothing before its appointed time refers to those who have determined they are the final judge or arbiter of a matter.  In their presumption, they pass premature judgment on the deeds and words of others without hearing God’s final word.

Currently, all presumptive evidence is being examined. That examination is revealing not all that has been represented to us as the final word is evidence-based truth. The resulting exposure is not just about personal opinions. It is revealing that large pharmaceutical corporations used their for-profit presentations of faulty evidence to gain more market share for their products. Those presentations carried a demand supported by political clout that we continue to adhere to their requirements even when the faulty evidence they provided is now in question. It has also infected our politics and civic life. This is not just about science, medicine, or economics. It has infiltrated communities of faith regarding our core beliefs. All things are being examined by the Spirit for greater clarity.

When we come to realize what we steadfastly held on to as evidence-based “truth” that is now deemed to be in question, we have a choice to make.  That choice will challenge our pride and reveal the depth of our humility. Perhaps Paul’s humble statement would be our best response in such times, “I don’t even trust my own judgment on this point.”


  1. John J Anderson II

    Brilliant, Garris.

    One of the very first scriptures that I committed to memory after my divine encounter in 1972, was Paul’s admonition, “But let God be true, and every man a liar.” For me, ‘every man’ included me!

    As a physicist, I have learned that every experiment from which ‘evidence’ is derived begins with a clear statement of assumptions, initial conditions, boundary conditions, and controls. Without these parameters, the evidence derived from experiment can easily be manipulated or misinterpreted by people who are not careful or not honorable.

    The same is true in interpreting Holy Scripture. God issues some commandments ONLY to specific people, while others are binding on ALL. Failure to distinguish the audience and intention can cause unneeded guilt or confusion.

  2. Jeff McLeod

    As always, this is a brilliant and factual post; thank you! Far too many people, American included, have embraced the secular “worship” of Scientism. Their undiscerning rush to accept and celebrate the “Science” of immoral and profit greedy individuals has completely duped them, and consequently countless people are dying needlessly. It has inserted a seemingly immovable wedge between Friends, Family Members, and even Christ Followers who were also double minded about Truth.


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