Early this morning,
as I sat in my chair writing, I was playing the beautiful instrumental work titled
Watermark. As the song surrounded me with its beauty my attention was drawn
toward the front window of our living room that overlooks a timbered
mountainside. Framed in the window were the faces of my father and mother. Both
have been in the presence of the Lord for many years. I wasn’t seeing them in
this realm. I saw them as two people gazing through the gauzy veil that
separates us. They looked young, in their prime. Peace bathed their image. They
looked at me with wonder, joy and serenity.
As I continue to
look at the suspended image of my parents there were no words spoken only the
reassurance that something beautiful exists beyond this life. Scripture tells
us we are “surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses”. In that cloud now stand
my parents. God allowed me to see them watching their son in a special moment of
recognition as a gift to them and to me.
I was overcome with
emotion, not because my parents were gone, but because they were present just
beyond the veil. I looked up and said, “Thank you” and blew them a kiss as their
image receded back into eternity.
As I write these
words, I want you to know you are not alone. There is something great and beyond
your wildest imagination at work all around you. Do not fear anything. Just as a beautiful song opened my soul this
morning to see through the veil, so it will be with many of you. When you next
engage a moment of beauty do not be surprised if the Lord uses that moment as a
portal through which He will send you a poignant message or an image to let you
know this life is not the end. It is only the beginning.