by | Jan 20, 2023 | Prophetic | 5 comments

Last night, I had an intense dream. At one point, I woke up in the middle of the dream like I was in an intermission at a theater. After the intermission, I went back to sleep and reentered the dream, and picked it up where I left off without missing a beat. I realized I was put in the dream to intensely feel what people will experience in the coming days as previously stable nations, financial institutions and governments begin to collapse.

In the dream, I drove to a neighboring city for the first day of work at a new job in a high-tech firm. My job was to sit in front of a small cubicle with an adding machine and a teletype to collect data and add up the numbers for the management. After nearly 8 hours in this extremely boring job, I had enough. I would not be returning the next day.

As the shift ended, I started to walk to my car but could not remember where it was parked. The car had not been stolen. I simply forgot where I parked it in the large complex of buildings and parking lots. The next scene had me riding a bicycle trying to cover more ground in search of my car. Anxiety began to mount as parking lot after parking lot did not produce the whereabouts of my car. I really wanted to get home. Finally, to expand my search, I took a turn that had me exit the parking lot and enter the city.

Once in the city, I had to pedal hard to keep up with traffic and negotiate a maze of unfamiliar streets. This went on for hours as the sun began to set, and darkness filled the streets. I began to feel desperation mounting and gripping my emotions. To add to my growing fear was the reality that I had no lights on the bike to help me see the way forward as darkness was descending over the city. Street after street did not offer any hope of ever finding the parking lot to get in my car and go home. I was hopelessly lost and confused. 

When I awoke, I was relieved to know it was a dream and not my life. It was a horrible feeling. The Lord was letting me feel the emotions of people who will find themselves unable to find their way home because they were either a believer who forgot where they had parked their faith, or they were someone who had not yet met the Lord. Both options were filled with feelings of hopelessness.

What is approaching our world will not overcome our faith if we know where our faith is parked. As events begin to unfold that dismantle the delusion that we are somehow in control of anything, desperation in the hearts of people will rise to levels not experienced in our lifetimes. We have lived in a nation where stability and predictability have given us a false sense of security. 

As these events transpire our ability to navigate, and in some cases survive, what is coming will be determined by knowing where our faith is parked in times of rapid and uncertain social change.  These events will provide us with a historic opportunity. It will be the beginning of a spiritual awakening, where we will be given opportunities to become witnesses revealing the love of God.  When large segments of an unbelieving nation and spiritual prodigals who have lost their way become frantic with increasing levels of fear, we will be able to lead them home to a place of peace and hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Fear has no place in our future if our faith has been placed in the Lord.


  1. Diane C Christiansen

    This was very timely for me today. I’m excited about all that God is doing on/in our planet…removing evil and showing Himself to be the KING and Government of our world, above all those who THINK they rule over us. But I’m also floundering a bit re: what I am personally supposed to be doing right now. I have no job at the moment…and am not sure if I’m even supposed to look for one. My life feels like it’s on hold. I’m almost 60, and am struggling to know what on earth I’m supposed to be doing with my time and life right now. I am not afraid of the future, but I know things are going to get MUCH more intense before they get better…and God is always on the throne NO MATTER WHAT my circumstances are. THAT I can count on.
    All that to say: thank you for sharing your post — it was very encouraging to me. 🙂

    • Traci Beach

      Praying for you Diane and all that feel exactly like you do. Never forget friend that you are an incredible light for Him. I know we are being told that this is a great time to be a live, and I believe it. I myself have been given beautiful promises from the Lord that have not played out yet… but I know they will!

      However, my heart feels heavy and sad quite often. I find tears in my eyes more then I’d like too, I hate seeing so much sadness all around us and it’s been all around us for awhile now. I look forward to better days for all. I pray this great awakening will impact lives in ways we have never seen before. And that millions will know Him in ways they have never experienced.

      I appreciate this word from Garris and will lift it up in my prayers.

      God, give us strength to stand firm and lean on you in these upcoming days that are before us. May we be a light on the hill so that others are lead to you. Love you Diane, 🤍, Traci

      • Diane Christiansen

        Thank you Traci. 😊
        I have loved getting to know you and your woman-of-God heart. ❤️ God is far bigger than any box that humans try to put Him in…and I’m looking forward to seeing Him bust out of everyone’s box, defeat evil, and gather all who turn to Him under His wings. The best is yet to come! Glad to be on this journey with you Traci!

  2. Kevin Shearer

    This story was all summed up in the last sentence: “Fear has no place in our future
    if our faith has been placed in Jesus/Messiah.

    Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen……..

  3. Anna McIver

    Interesting.. I was searching out a dream from last night and ran across the word bicycle that caught my attention.. and just read this..
    Bicycle is symbolic of.. works.. works of the flesh.. legalism.. self-righteousness.. working out life’s difficulties.. messenger..
    For sure we will have to walk by Faith.. at all times with our focus on our Lord Jesus Christ.. listening for the Holy Spirit…
    For we he have not been this way before..


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