Finding a Place of Rest in a Restless World

by | Oct 1, 2016 | Rest, Trust | 0 comments

Any form of rest that must be protected will eventually
become a place of fatigue. The energy
expended in an attempt to protect a situational form of rest will actually produce the very thing you
are trying to avoid.

The rest you have been given in Jesus Christ is something
you are able to carry with you into every aspect of life. Jesus became your Sabbath rest so that your place of rest would no longer be limited to a single day. Rest is the nature of your
relationship with God and the state of your being.

Take a day off. Schedule a vacation. Plan your calendar with
an abundance of margin time. These are all good things to do, but they cannot
produce the kind of rest for your soul that God intends you to experience. In
most cases these well-meaning attempts to find rest only serve as a postponing
influence that we demonstrate for a short time before we reenter the restless
existence be had before we took some time off to “rest”.  These false starts never
really become a place of rest because the restless person who entered the
promised respite continued to hold on to a spirit of disbelief that created the
absence of rest in the first place.

“So we see that because of their unbelief they were not able
to enter his rest.” Hebrews 3:19


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