by | Mar 31, 2024 | Prophetic | 1 comment

Things are happening in our world like the appearance of an eclipse and the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge that have created a great deal of speculation as to why these events are happening. Some of that speculation can be true. Some will be proven to be false and need to be properly discerned.

Signs in the sky or events that transpire in our lives will point to something beyond the sign itself. Each event relays a message for those willing to look beyond the sign itself to the author of the sign. Conspiracies, no matter how brilliant they may sound will trap our attention encasing our assumptions and biases in a premature interpretation of what a sign means.

On this Easter morning, I am thinking back to the morning Jesus was discovered to have risen from the dead. Conspiracies arose around that event, some dismissing it outright and others spreading a false rumor that the resurrection was a conspiracy created among the disciples. Only when Jesus would later appear to His disciples in John 20 would the disciples understand what happened.

As I review the signs happening at this moment in our history, it is important to wait until the Lord confirms what is taking place. The Lord’s revelation will settle all our questions for those who believe in Him and trust the timing of His disclosure. Detractors who have parked their interpretation in an unconfirmed theory will dismiss our patient trust as a fantasy. For some believers, our choice to trust God, not a sign, will be dismissed as faithlessness. We will never go wrong if we wait for the Lord’s interpretation no matter how appealing an interpretation of a sign might sound.

We must become like little children to discern what God is saying through the signs of the times. It is in that innocent place where He will eventually make all things known. An innocent childlike trust in God is our most valuable interpretive tool for what is happening in our world.

At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!” (Matthew 11:25-26).


1 Comment

  1. Kerri

    Thank you for this timely word. I struggle and feel stressed when friends constantly want to share all the conspiracy theories of the day. When I tell them I believe some of these but please don’t it brings stress .They elude that I don’t want to hear truth. I’m seeking God and hearing.


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