by | Dec 1, 2022 | Prophetic | 0 comments

During 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, a lot of people lost their collective minds. People said things they now regret.  Long-term relationships changed forever. Prophets who spoke contrary to the accepted herd-think were negatively defined by overly compliant leaders using verbiage that were barbs of dismissal and mockery.  What was rejected out of hand as prophetic nonsense is now coming to light as truth, not a conspiracy theory.  Some of the loudest and most demanding critics are now strangely quiet as evidence emerges affirming the substance of the prophetic warnings.

As a result of what took place in 2020 and continues to the present day, the events and relational interactions we experienced will either be used to form us or transform us. Forming us refers to accepting at face value all a government or a leader in any field tells us is true and must be accepted as fact, even as mounting evidence indicates something is amiss. Being transformed means that we inquire of the Lord asking Him to reveal what is taking place behind the veil of assumptions to become wiser and not-so-gullible the next time around.

A global spiritual revolution and resulting reset are taking place. At first glance, it appears to be socio-political upheaval, but it is something more. It is the shaking that will precede a Great Awakening.

If you doubt anything is taking place of significance beyond the isolated borders of America, look at what is happening in the nations. In China, we may be witnessing the beginning of the collapse of Communism. Mass demonstrations are taking place in Iran and in European nations where people have come to the end of their rope losing all hope in compromised governments and their draconian policies. Hundreds of thousands of people are filling the streets in Brazil protesting a rigged election. These examples, and many more, are not the stuff of a typical Sunday morning sermon or even a matter of prayer, but this is where people live and where our faith should be informed and active.  The concern is mounting that similar events will soon take place in the United States.

Discerning the fine line between being formed or transformed is a critical discovery to make if we are to be used by God to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to people who feel trapped and abandoned. A faith disconnected from the events of real-life sounds good to those who live in isolation and ignorance, but for those who are beginning to sense the beginnings of unease and unrest, it will sound shallow, self-serving, and uninformed.


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