by | Dec 14, 2023 | Prophetic | 2 comments

We have been instructed, as a goal for our lives, to be found on the right side of history. I would suggest something else. We need to be found on the right side of truth. The choice to be found on the right side of truth will redefine our place in history even though at the moment we make that choice, our decision may not be met with any recognition or acceptance. 

If we are looking to be found on the right side of truth, that journey always begins first by being found in the One who is the way, truth, and life.

While pursuing a right place in history has some value, only when that pursuit is sourced and revealed in Jesus Christ can we be at peace internally while the reaction to our choice is met with dismissal and rejection. We need to be patient and allow the Lord to write the final script of our place in history.

The truths we hold and profess in Jesus can take a long time to unfold. While we know the truth of the Lord and respond to a situation accordingly to the situations in this life, mockery and dismissal may occur in the meantime. It is in those times when the mettle of our faith deepens and our relationship with Jesus becomes more intimate because He is all we have until the final record of history is recorded. 

This is the substance of the kind of faith seen in Ruth who lay at the feet of Boaz waiting to be redeemed, or of two elderly people, Anna, and Simeon, who saw the infant Jesus for the first time realizing the Messiah had finally arrived. The history of our life of faith will be recorded by our acts of obedience to the voice of God, not by seeking a place in the record of history.


  1. Galen Wright

    That last line is a keeper. Underline, highlight, asterisk that, Galen!

  2. Brenda Richards

    This is the truth! It should be how we live out every day towards our journey home!!


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