“God’s Opinion About Us” by Garris Elkins

by | Jul 15, 2012 | Faith, Future, Holy Spirit, Hope, Prayer, Revelation, Vision. | 0 comments

This week, I am preparing to teach out of Mark 3 where two groups of people have expressed personal opinions about Jesus.  His family thought He had lost His mind and they wanted to “rescue” Him from His ministry.  The teachers of religious law declared that Jesus was possessed by the devil.  If people had opinions about Jesus they will also have opinions about us.

We all live with the labels people have pasted upon our lives.  What we do with those labels will determine how we live our lives.  We can live in bondage to what others think about us or begin to peel off those manmade labels, formed from a limited human perspective, and invite God to re-label us with His opinion.  

As I prepared this week’s message, I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit to craft a paragraph that I feel was dictated from the very heart of God stating His opinion about us.  Take a moment and read these words out loud over your life – especially those places where you have labored under the opinions other people may have about you that do not reflect God’s heart for you. 

“You are
special to Me. I have chosen to not see you in your brokenness, though I know
it is there. I see you as My Masterpiece,
framed within the life of My Son, Jesus Christ. You are a completed work in My
eyes, the finished product of My love. You are beautiful to Me. My opinion about you has been crafted from of
the storehouse of My love. I did not go outside My love to find the words to form
My opinion about you. When others fail to see you as I do, turn to Me and let
My words of affirmation wash away those hurtful labels and opinions that have
been placed upon your life. My opinion
is all that matters. My opinion about you is My will for you.”  


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