Heads in the Sand

by | Mar 31, 2023 | Prophetic | 3 comments

The end of the United States as we know it is becoming a very real possibility.  That end will bring a time of great sorrow, but also, a time of great opportunity for the Church to offer God’s love in very tangible ways. 

To some in the Church, this will sound “too political” or it’s just another “scare tactic” to be dismissed. This labeling and dismissal happen because people have been groomed to bury their heads in the sands of ignorance hoping all the “negative” talk will go away. This head-in-the-sand ignorance ignores what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves – a love that exposes and intervenes in the plans of evil that will cause human suffering.

We are on the verge of a nuclear war with China and Russia. The moral fiber of both our nation and the Church is being shredded. Our economy is being dismantled while we are being told all is well. Alliances are being formed that will dramatically change global power structures. 

BRICS are being used to construct a new global economy. If you think BRICS was a misspelling of the word “bricks” it’s time to do some diligent research. We are experiencing a significant transition from the U.S. dollar as the premier currency of the world economy toward the rise of currencies previously depressed and controlled by our national currency hegemony. Eventually, this shift could have a significant impact on the finances of the Church. A programmable digital currency (CBDC) is being created that will determine where and how we can spend our money. The operative word is programmable.  If a donor’s theology doesn’t line up with the worldview of the programmers they will deny our ability to support a local church or ministry they conclude is not aligned with their beliefs.

It will be said by some, “Why all the doom and gloom?” These things are being said because they are a loving prophetic announcement that a rapid and devastating change is about to take place. In our prayerlessness and disengagement, we have opened a dark door that has allowed the collapse of our nation to take place. 

After the collapse dark spirits will take the lead introducing levels of control not imagined by previous generations whose freedoms were still functional and a national reflection of our spiritual freedom in Jesus. I offer all of this to say, “But God!”. With God, resurrection is always possible. 

Do not lose heart. We need to pull our heads out of the sands of ignorance and dismissal and become informed about what is happening outside the walls of our sanctuaries. That knowledge and our understanding of its implications can be used to move us closer to the Lord, the One who promises to never leave us or forsake us no matter what we see taking place. 


  1. Katherine

    What can one say about this? How to prepare?
    Praying and trusting…

    • Gary Oilar

      I’ve been saying this for some time. Too many people don’t want to pay attention to what is going on. But God! Thank you Jesus that you are always there for us. Thanks Garris blessings on you and yours

  2. Kevin

    One World Order. One World Currency. One world religion
    (satanism under the Antichrist) Its all on the horizon people.
    Jesus is The Way.The Truth and The Light! You and I were born for these days. The Father chose us for This time! I am continually amazed by this fact. Continue to shine Father’s Light. He is counting on us to. Love and Peace to all.


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