Every situation of life contains redemption. It is in the redemption where we see God’s heart and experience the depths of His redemption.
When Joseph was tossed into a pit and sold as a slave by his brothers, the Lord knew he would be used as a redeemer. After all that had taken place with the Lord elevating Joseph from the pit of slavery into the number two position after Pharoah, Joseph was prepared to become the redeemer of Israel. The story is one of the most dramatic examples of God’s redeeming work.
In the depths of a famine used by God to bring the brothers back to Joseph, Scripture tells us, “God has sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors. So, it was God who sent me here, not you!” (Genesis 45:7-8). God always has a plan for redemption.
We are being told that the enemies of our world are unavailable to God to use as our redeemers. That is the lie. In every situation, the unseen works of God are always there waiting to be engaged if we choose to see this life and its players through the eyes of faith.