In a time of prayer, I saw puppets dancing at the end of strings being manipulated by puppet masters. As I continued to pray, I saw a pair of scissors enter the image and snip the strings. When the controlling strings were cut the puppets began to fall to the ground. In their descent, they came alive gaining their senses and realizing what had taken place and how they had been played by forces and influences they did not know until the spell of deception was severed.
The fall of these puppets was not to destroy them but to empower them to begin making righteous decisions under the influence of God’s Spirit. The puppets ranged from individuals struggling with life across the spectrum of influence to include those who govern nations.
None of what we have been led to believe is inevitable or removed from the intervening hand of God. While evil appears to abound without measure, truth, justice, and the goodness of God are set to snip the strings of those things that have negatively determined the course of life for individuals, families, and nations.
Operation Just Cause has taken on the Assignment of bringing the Puppet Masters to justice – heavenly justice! To date, over 35,000 leaders of evil across trafficking (human-drugs-sex), and corruption (government, banking, pharma, and religion) have been removed from their positions of authority and influence – and many have been arrested or have died.
Your vision is precise, relevant and timely Garris!
Tim Sheets/ Oasis Church on YouTube also shared a words about the strings of the puppets Sunday 10/16! Out of the mouth of 2 witnesses!!! Woohoo!!!
Cutting the strings of the corporate government we have lived under too long, is also part of this vision. We have been cheated, deceived and fraudulently used over the years as we have become corporate slaves to the system. It is not the organic Republic till We The People take it back. During a fervent time of prayer seeking Truth from the Lord, He led me to the American State National movement which now has well over 10 million coming out of the cave of darkness the corporate government has put us in. Why is our birth certificate on bank note paper? Why did our mom sign as an informant? Why is our SSN found at where they are selling/trading us on the bond market? Why are we not party to the Constitution when we walk into a court room? Time to walk as free men/women with our God-given rights intact. God calls us to be free, body, soul and spirit. I feel reborn, once again, coming out of Babylon and being led to the empty tomb of freedom.
Tim Sheet’s had a message titled ‘The puppets will no longer dance’.
Another confirmation! Wow!