by | Mar 4, 2023 | Prophetic | 7 comments

In our home, there is a phrase Jan repeats to me whenever I am feeling my natural age. She says, “You are moving forward in the strength of Caleb!” In other words, the occasional moans and groans of an aging body do not define a person’s spiritual strength or status in God’s Kingdom. Advancing age is not a place to park our faith.

Over the years, I have noticed a lack of understanding in the Church about the aging process. We don’t understand what true strength is and how it is developed. It takes time and commitment. Our culture tells us the best things in life come quickly and youth is the only measure of vitality. Youthfulness is continually advertised as the goal and something to be preserved at all costs. 

When it came time to divide the newly conquered Promised Land, Caleb came to Joshua and reminded him of the promise Moses made to Caleb about the land that would become his inheritance.  After reminding Joshua of the promise, Caleb said, “My fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear. I, however, followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly” (Joshua 14:8). What empowered and strengthened Caleb in his youth would also empower and strengthen him in his later years – a fearless faith and a wholehearted service to God. Age cannot diminish those two foundational elements of a life lived in the Spirit. Only unbelief and compromise are able to deconstruct the effectiveness and longevity of our calling.

Caleb then said, “So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. (vs. 10-11). 

Our life of faith was never issued with a shelf life. My life in God’s Kingdom is stronger and more informed today than at any time in my life. The same can be true for any of us if we keep our faith alive and our focus wholeheartedly on the Lord. It is a sad thing to see a believer who has been led to believe they are a weakened asset in God’s Kingdom based solely on their natural age, not their spiritual qualifications.

If you have succumbed to such a lie no matter what your age, repent and reengage your calling. On the other hand, if you are perpetuating that lie by adopting a way of thinking that has no place for a seasoned saint in your life or ministry, you also need to repent. At the intersection of that repentance will come the release of the kind of wisdom and potential that only comes when we discern Kingdom effectiveness with the eyes of the Spirit, not the false advertising of the surrounding culture.


  1. Bernie

    Thank you for reminding me!

  2. John J Anderson

    So, we need to get out of the pew, off the shelf, and back into the battle!


  3. Katherine


  4. Pamela Abbott

    This was a timely word and reminder about age. As I was shoveling snow this week I found myself thinking, “I don’t remember this being so hard and tiring. Maybe I’m getting too old for this.”
    Your post caused me to read Joshua 14 and the scriptures about Joshua and Caleb in Numbers 13 and 14. Caleb had a “different spirit.” (Num. 14:24) Only Joshua and Caleb were able to enter the Promised Land. Caleb was given Hebron (the land of the dreaded Anakin) for his inheritance.
    I declare the “Spirit of Joshua and Caleb” over us, so we can live in God’s inheritance that He has prepared for us and our families.

    • Opa

      Thank you. Been battling ailments for a while now, not getting any younger. Thanks for speaking some truth and reality into the situation as probably subconsciously i was having a battle ,sometimes being a”weakened asset” sometimes being a Caleb.

  5. Kevin

    Amen everyone! Yes ! Amen!

  6. Glenn Morrisey

    Chronologically, I am 63 years old, however, I feel like I am 33 years old. I have claimed the spirit of Caleb for many years now, and I believe that God is ushering in the believing older generation alongside the next generation that will take hold of God’s promises.
    I am just as vigorous to go out to battle now, as I was then. Now give me this hill country as my inheritance and I will take it for the kingdom of heaven by his strength.
    Thank you Garris for all you have done and for all you will do!


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