by | Jul 12, 2022 | Prophetic | 0 comments

Albert Einstein made a powerful statement, “Nothing happens until something moves.” Einstein was revealing a spiritual truth using the language of physics. Nothing happens in the Spirit until we take a step of faith. 

I have a very dear friend with whom I have the best of times. We laugh, pray and struggle together through the issues of life. My friend is a brilliant man who works in areas of government and finance influencing people at the highest levels to advance significant Kingdom initiatives. Several years ago, he was going through a time when he wondered what his next step would be. I knew the time was right for him to take a step of faith. All the pieces were in place. He just needed to move. I gave him a simple word, “It’s time for you to get off your ass.”  He took the step of faith and an entire world of relational and ministry opportunities opened up that changed the course of his life.

My friend told me he retells that testimony frequently in instances where an action is required by people with whom he works. The Kingdom of God advances because we do something with the faith we possess. 

Some of you have a word from the Lord that requires action – a step of faith. You might be experiencing fatigue, disappointment, or the effects of betrayal. While each of those things is real and painful, they should never be allowed to nail your feet to the ground and cause your faith to stall. Take your step of faith under the leading of the Spirit and watch how things begin to fall in place and move in a direction that inaction could never have imagined.


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