Installing the Door to Your Future

by | Jul 13, 2019 | Courage, Discernment, Discipline, Faithfulness, Favor, Fear, Freedom, Future | 0 comments

I saw the image of a person walking into a large warehouse filled with construction material. It was Heaven’s warehouse of possibilities. On the floor were stacked pile after pile of doors. The impression I had was the doors were waiting for installation. Dust covered them because they had been there for a long time without anyone present to install them into a doorframe. 

As I came away from that image, I received both an instruction and a correction. Many of us have waited for a door to open before us to reveal a new future or the way into a Kingdom project. While this seems honorable, it has kept some believers from acting in the faith required to actually hang the door and walk through its portal.  God provides the doorways, but it is our faith that installs the door into the doorframe. The doors I saw stacked on the floor of the heavenly warehouse were already provided. They were waiting for someone to take action and install them in the doorframe of God’s promise and invitation.

Review your history. Find the promises and invitations God gave you in the past but now lie dormant gathering dust. A doorway was given to you, but God intended for you to work with Him to install the door in the doorframe of His revelation. 

Go back to the doors of your past and ask the Lord if they are still to be hung and opened in this season. If so, pick up the door and, in faith, begin the installation process. If a door is no longer to be opened, another door will appear. When it arrives, pick it up and allow God to show you the place and the timing for its installation. Install door in the new doorframe and walk through it. That passage will reveal the purpose and plan for the next season of your life.


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