The prophets of God are warning the Church about what will take place in the coming months. Their messages are not being issued to create alarm. Prophetic announcements are being released to prepare our souls to live in peace, not fear. Those who carry that peace will be like islands of hope in the middle of a world filled with increasing and unimagined global turmoil.
While Jesus was describing the coming events surrounding His immediate arrest and crucifixion, He also gave us insight into prophetic fulfillment. He addressed how we are to manage our response to those things for which we have no context of understanding. Jesus said to His disciples only minutes before His arrest, “I have told you these things before they happen so that when they do happen, you will believe” (John 14:29). The ability to believe and trust the word of the Lord in the midst of unfolding fearful situations is the fruit of understanding prophetically what will take place before it happens. This understanding helps us not be caught off-guard and stumble our faith over a fearful response.
Jesus began His instruction to the verse noted above by saying, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27).
What is coming, in the affairs of our nation and within the international bodies setting up draconian measures of control, will cause any thinking person to pause once the truth is revealed. In the pause, fear will attempt to enter our minds to control us, a fear known only by those who have lived under such controlling forces in the past.
When prophecy begins to fulfill its declaration, some of which will be uncomfortable and upsetting to our current understanding of reality, we must stop and not allow fear to take any ground. Neither should we believe a stable world will exist forever, a world where we blindly and unwisely protect our status quo at the expense of the kind of discernment required to properly interpret the signs of the times.
A unicycle is safe for a skilled rider on smooth surfaces. On bumpy or gravelly paths, a bicycle is more stable. On any surface type, a tricycle is the safest choice.
Jesus promised “If you remain faithfully obedient to my commands, the Father and I will come to live in you – and we will bring Holy Spirit with us. When He comes, he will remind you of what I have spoken, lead you into truth, and show you things to come.” Father (Presence), Jesus (Principle ), and Holy Spirit (Prophecy) together form the most stable platform for us – a three-fold platform.