Developments in the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence) are unfolding at a rate faster than first imagined. The rise AI of will soon create levels of language and imagery that will appear undiscernible from reality. It is here that the problem exists.
In the near future, under the influence of AI, anything that comes to us via our smartphones or computer screens, just because it looks and sounds so real, should be considered suspect until confirmed. This is especially true when this advanced level of manipulation is used to produce “damning evidence” against a fellow brother or sister in the Lord.
Those who dare to question the messages displayed by an unholy use of AI will be censored and marginalized in an attempt to tighten the noose around the dissemination of information. At the deepest levels of this censorship, any opposition will be labeled as an enemy of the State and suffer consequences not imagined when we still assumed we lived in a free country. This would all sound hopeless if it were not for God.
As these advancements in AI take place, the Lord will bring two Kingdom resources into the battle for the truth that will thwart the best attempts of these technologies to indoctrinate and lead astry the masses.
First, will be a new level of prophetic ministry. These prophets will release Spirit-inspired revelations that will be used to expose and confound the programmers of these dark AI systems. Along with the prophets, the Lord will call forth and release an army of AI and computer programming experts committed to revealing the truth for the good of all people. These experts will come from the very ranks of those who set all of this in motion. They became disgusted by what they saw taking place in the hijacking of their technology. They will deploy their gifts for God’s Kingdom by exposing and taking down false presentations of reality.
These redeemed AI experts will become a new and very different kind of preacher who will use the unusual pulpit of AI to speak the truth in love, a pulpit now set in the very midst of the perpetrators of deception. They will use their AI pulpit to proclaim the truth and expose the lies of what we were told was the truth and nothing but the truth until the Truth emerged and revealed it was all a lie.
We know a brother who proposes to develop an “AI DEfender” bot that will alert or take other actions when our devices are under AI Attack. Another firm (a friend’s company) has just released the world’s first transparent “explainable AI” to help understand what machine learning is deriving incorrect conclusions from its evaluation of data.
Warriors are arising for this new battle.