by | May 5, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

While we can appropriate Scripture to apply to many of our concerns, we need to understand what the Lord was saying when a verse was first written.

The Lord said, “Bring my faithful people to me – those who made a covenant with me by giving sacrifices” (vs. 5).  He was calling for an examination of the hearts of His people. The Lord said He did not need their sacrifices or burnt offerings. “I own the cattle on a thousand hills” (vs.10). While some may use that verse at a time when they are asking God for provision, the Lord was not addressing finances or personal needs. He was addressing the sacrifice of our lives.

“Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God and keep the vows you made to the Most High” (vs. 14). As we offer our thankfulness to God, He will rescue us as we give Him glory through our thankful hearts.

The Lord then addresses those He defines as wicked. They are the ones who recite the Lord’s decrees and pretend to obey His covenant. This pretension opens a list of other sins that reveal a heart that is far from God and yet to be broken. The Lord then said, “Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me” (vs. 23).

While I am sure the Lord does not mind us thinking that God has cattle on a thousand hills, especially in a time of personal need, it was not what He was referring to in that verse. He said our greatest sacrifice to Him is the offering of a heart that truly honors Him through an expression of thankfulness and gratitude for who He is. That honor will create a life that gives the Lord the honor He deserves, especially when our life feels derailed and lacking. 

David wrote, “The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God” (Psalm 51: 17). If all we have to offer God is a broken and thankful heart, the praises that will flow from that place will bring with them all the miracles we will need – something that an unbroken heart cannot yet image.


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