by | Jan 26, 2023 | Prophetic | 9 comments

The conversation went like this:

“Why are you talking about those things?

“Because you aren’t and it’s my assignment.”

The Church has been described as a body with many parts that have different positions and functions. Our spiritual health and our reasonableness are demonstrated when we allow someone with whom we have a differing opinion to do what God has called them to do without feeling the need to confront and correct them at every turn. 

Jesus spoke prophetically in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 of what would someday become current events. He was distinct, addressing what people would see and experience in their world that would bring about radical change. Jesus didn’t walk about levitating over the surface of the Earth. He walked the dusty paths of life where real and well-defined issues would personally impact the people He loved. The Lord felt the knowledge of those issues was important for people to understand.

For the last few years, I have been able to spend a great deal of time studying issues like social engineering, the military-industrial complex, big pharma, and its influence on national policy and how each of these issues relates to our faith. I’ve come to a place where the assembled pool of evidence is overwhelming, not just in content, but in its effect on each of us. 

I’m at a place in my life where I no longer attempt to convince people that such realities exist.  I simply offer a perspective. I write and teach my narrow slice of insight that is a small part of a much larger reality. In doing so, my hope is that at least a few would begin to understand what is happening in the world, something not always seen in the busyness of life when raising a family, running a business, or feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities. If someone’s interest is awakened, they will have to study the issues on their own and see how the results of their study will either challenge or affirm their faith. 

When prophetic insight is offered it does not always have an existing context where it can be understood. When such words are first released, they can seem out of step with the current reality, even insensitive. When we finally arrive in a future context where a prophetic word is to be fulfilled, people will have some challenging choices to make when the truth of a prophetic word is finally understood.

Early in the pandemic, I began to offer prophetic insight regarding what I saw taking place in our culture as it relates to Church leadership. I was confronted and eventually shunned by several leaders with whom I respect and had long-standing relationships. It’s never easy or comfortable to speak about things that go against the grain of our assumptions.

An unveiling is taking place in our world. That unveiling will bring greater measures of exposure to the plans of hell. It will also offer how we can righteously respond when evil plans seem to be winning the day. Even as the evidence of truth is laid out with clarity there is no guarantee people will believe what they have been groomed to ignore and dismiss.

Like the conversation I mentioned at the beginning, there will come a time when we simply must move on from some conversations and discordant relationships blessing them in the departure. Moving on is not a dismissal or devaluation of a person or group. It simply means we can’t spend our remaining time on Earth involved in conversations and relationships that will sidetrack us from our calling and stifle what we believe the Lord has asked us to say or do. It’s not personal. It’s a calling.


  1. John Anderson II

    Prophetic perspective is extremely valuable, and sadly lacking from many congregations and denominations’ leadership today.

    Thanks for paying the price to display the Heart of God in a consistent and pure way!

    • Katherine

      I echo this!!!

    • Jeff McLeod

      I wholeheartedly concur.

      • Chad Wermer


  2. Nita Belles

    Soooo incredibly good! I especially like these parts:

    “I write and teach my narrow slice of insight that is a small part of a much larger reality.” if only people could grasp that truth, we are all only a narrow slice of insight based on the lens we have acquired from our years on earth and submitted to the Lord via the Holy Spirit.

    “It simply means we can’t spend our remaining time on Earth involved in conversations and relationships that will sidetrack us from our calling and stifle what we believe the Lord has asked us to say or do. It’s not personal. It’s a calling.”

    Once again, yes and amen my brother.

  3. Emery Smith

    Your perspective and graciousness are two invaluable benefits in my life Garris.
    Thank you!

  4. Bernie

    Was it Elon Musk who said, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it think?”

  5. Mark Rogan

    “For the last few years, I have been able to spend a great deal of time studying issues like social engineering, the military-industrial complex, big pharma, and its influence on national policy and how each of these issues relates to our faith. “

    I’m sure I speak for many when I say we are so grateful for the time you’ve invested in doing this and the courage to walk in the calling to share it, despite the personal costs.

    Great blessings to you.

    • Marilyn Hagoes

      May God bless you for speaking the truth.


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