It’s Time To Change Your Spiritual Shoes

by | Apr 13, 2019 | Change, Courage, Death, Deliverance, Destiny, Discipleship, Discipline, Dreams, Faith, Fear, Freedom | 0 comments

I was walking through our local REI store and checked out the mountain climbing section where I noticed a shoe display. The climbing shoe designs were varied and unique. I saw one pair of radically designed shoes with the model name of “Solution.” They are rated as an aggressive design for radical climbing. The shoe was designed for climbing difficult routes allowing a climber to gain and hold a narrow foothold enabling them to move higher. Trying to climb a rock wall with the old Merrill hiking shoes I was wearing would be a prescription for disaster.

When I looked at the shoes, I heard the Lord say, “It’s time to change your spiritual shoes. You need to get aggressive in your pursuit of peace. What I have planned for you will take you higher than your current footwear can climb. My route of peace will provide you with the solution you have been seeking. Only peace will deliver you to the summit.” 

God is preparing you to ascend to a new season. What worked in the past will not work in the coming ascent. There will be no place to put your feet if you do not climb under the direction of peace. A continuance of strife will only provide you with unsure footing and increase the risk of falling back into the past. Remove the ill-suited footwear of strife and worry. Peace will reveal the safest route upward. Seek peace and prepare yourself accordingly and will find your way to the summit of the next season.

“For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared” (Ephesians 6:15).


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