by | Dec 30, 2023 | Prophetic | 0 comments

Flying through the cloudy conditions of life when all the measurements we use to show us the way forward are no longer functioning reminds me of when I lost all electrical power in an aircraft I was flying. I was flying in instrument conditions when my instrument panel went dead. This was an advanced panel of instruments that was as expensive as the total cost of the airplane I was flying. 

At that point, I remembered the words my flight instructor told me years before when an emergency arises, “Keep flying the airplane!” By relying on non-electric instruments, I could navigate through the clouds to the next airport and safely land. I didn’t need all the advanced electronics to fly to a safe destination.

We have a lot of support in our lives to bolster our current understanding of faith and reality. If all those extra inputs would cease to function, where would it leave us? If the power grid that supports the variety of gadgets we rely on stopped working where would we get our direction?

No matter what is lost in a time of crisis, the words of my flight instructor carry a spiritual message. Keep flying your faith! The Lord has prepared us to make it to the next destination in this life if we don’t give up and simply keep flying our faith. Because faith is the substance of things not seen, it does not require all we are told we need to keep it flying forward toward safety.


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