This week, as I prayed for the leaders of churches, denominations and religious organizations, I saw them coming together in a most unusual
As the image developed, I saw the Lord imbedding magnets of fellowship
in one shoulder and plates of receptive steel in the opposite shoulder of each
willing participant. When these
individuals took a step of faith and risked coming together, in some cases taking
these steps of faith in the face of historic opposition to such unity, God
began to do something new and unusual. Those who took a step of faith found
themselves being joined together, shoulder-to-shoulder, in an unexpected work
of magnetic Kingdom unity.
In the coming months don’t be surprised or resistant to what
is about to take place when uniquely different ministries and individuals join
together for a greater expression of Kingdom expansion. Let their union become
a cause to examine your own heart to see what obstacles of judgment might need to
be removed in order for you to celebrate and join with this new work of God. Like any work of the Spirit where new
alliances are formed, your step of faith may require you to step over the
disapproval of others and risk the relational jeopardy these new alliances will