You have been standing alone for a season, but that is about to change.  The sound of your faith is making the sound of Heaven on Earth. That sound has become a spiritual magnet inviting those of like mind to come and join you.

Yesterday, I was hiking through the woodland trail system that surrounds the small town where I live. About a mile ahead of me was a beautiful outdoor music venue called The Britt Festival. The Britt hosts world-class music groups throughout the summer. Most evenings, our small town is filled with the sound of music.

As I walked closer to the venue, I heard the faint sound of music. A bit farther down the trail, I realized I was hearing a trumpet solo. As I rounded a bend in the trail a young man was standing at the edge of the path playing his trumpet over the expanse of a mountain valley. He was all alone and most likely part of the larger orchestra group performing that evening. As I walked by him, he continued playing. In passing, I thanked him for his music.

Some of you reading these words are like the young man I met on the trail. You have left a venue of the orchestrated sounds of religion, and you now stand alone in a solitary place. You have been faithful to not allow your heart to grow cold and cynical in your departure. In this strange season, you find yourself alone playing to an empty place – to an audience you cannot see. This solitary season has created a depth and excellence in the sound you are making. That was the purpose of your departure. You needed to find your unique sound.

Just as I was drawn to the distant sound of music in the forest, so it is with those God is calling to join you. Those with ears tuned to the sound of the Spirit are making their way toward you. Keep playing the music God has given you to play. It has become an invitation extended to those still far away. It is a sound with tremendous potential.


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