For several months, Jan and I have been taking communion together each morning. Something very powerful, and yet subtle, is taking place. Like many couples, Jan and I have tried to find that place where we can come together spiritually each day. I think we have found that place in sharing communion together.
As we hold the bread and the cup we bless them both and invite His presence to come into our act of communion with Him. Jesus said to do the act of communion in remembrance of Him. We pray and thank God as we begin to remember Jesus at the start of the coming day. We remember Him as our healer and deliverer. We remember Him as the Lord Who loves our children. We remember Him as the Shepherd of the church we pastor. We remember Him over what is unknown. In the remembering a beautiful anticipation is released that He is walking with us and ahead of us into the coming day.
When we finish this sacred act together, I end our time by kissing Jan and telling her I love her. I am seeing communion as a act of loving connection, with God, and with my wife. The intimacy of communion is changing and deepening our love and our lives together. I think this is some of what Jesus had planned when He took the bread and the wine and blessed them. In the communion is the blessing.
I have seen people physically healed taking Communion. I have seen emotional healing, as forgiveness is granted and received. The Bread, the resurrected Body of Jesus…and the Blood of the Lamb…we can not even comprehend what is transpiring. Smith Wigglesworth, gifted with a powerful healing ministry, did not get out of bed in the morning until he first had Communion. Taking Communion each day with Garris (or with a friend, or in community during a gathering of the Church) also becomes a tangible "3-fold cord, not easily broken." I am asking for more revelation on all that is happening, in the Spirit, during Communion!