Navigating the Unexpected

by | Jan 17, 2020 | Church, Culture, Discernment, Grace, Justice, Kingdom, Mercy, Reformation | 0 comments

Something unexpected is about to visit. This unexpected visitation will catch some unaware and off-balance, but only if they are focused on the wrong things. 

“Unexpected” is a word consisting of two parts. The first part, “un,” denotes the reversal or cancellation of an action or state, and the second part, “expected,” refers to something regarded as likely or anticipated.

This is not a time to assume anything, especially outcomes in the arena of politics and government. Our assumptions are polluted with our biases and personal preferences. Only the wisdom of God matters. Lay down everything you hold dear in hopes of an assumed outcome. Wait for the Lord to reveal what matters to Him. He will be faithful to let you know what you are supposed to pick up. Some of what you may be asked to put your hand to will come as an unexpected surprise. 


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