I use the social media tool, Twitter, as a
place to park my daily thoughts. Having to limit yourself to the 140 characters
required by Twitter has caused many of us to write with greater economy. Our words need to be concise and clear enough
to fit within the narrow space provided. Twitter has become a journal of sorts. My book,God-Whispers,
was inspired from a collection of Tweets just like the ones listed below.
I was prompted to go back and review my Tweets for
the month of August 2013. These entries
reflect what I was hearing from the Lord during that time. I want to share
these thoughts with you and see where others might also be aligned with what we
feel God is doing in our lives at this time.
When I read, I look for words that describe
action, direction, affirmation or reformation. I have highlighted these words to
draw your attention to them. If you run across something you recognize as
similar to your experience and you agree, the scripture says in Matthew 18:19, “If two of you
agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it
for you”. I would like to come into agreement with
This is a new season. God is always up to something new and life
giving. I hope these “journal” entries
from my life would bear witness to some of what God is doing in your life.
When your cause has been hijacked by others don’t be
discouraged. Jesus experienced the same thing. God always brings realignment.
Changethat is not prophetically inspired is limited in its impact
because it draws direction from our current understanding of the facts.
The natural mind is linear and can only see what is straight ahead. The prophetic gift enables us to see around corners and change direction.
What is about to take place in the Church will not be accomplished with human
qualification, pedigree or experience.
Focuson the content, not the container.
The Holy Spirit likes to show up where Christian buzzwords are
not defining the environment.
In the current church culture it may be believers outside the
mainstream of Christianity who will help us
find our way in the coming season.
Advancingthe ministry of a local church can only remain healthy if,
ultimately, it is the Kingdom of God we are advancing.
In an abundance of prophetic words listen wisely. God’s
voice is usually the smaller, quiet whisper that can, at first, seem
Dissatisfactionis not always a bad thing. Sometimes it is used to disconnect
us from a season that has run its course.
Encouragepeople. In Acts, Paul’s repeated ministry theme was to
strengthen and encourage churches because they felt weak and discouraged.
Start praising
God when your life looks like a flat-line on a heart monitor. This is when God shows up and gives life to
what appears dead.
Church “experts” are nowhere to be found when the Holy
Spirit falls in the midst of
a people.
Crafta life that creates honor and trust with your words and deeds.
These two qualities are remembered long after fleeting notions of success.
Jesus said the world would believe when we, the Church, live as
one. Looking for the next revival? It will happen in that
place where I am divided against you.
One of the greatest gifts we can leave behind in this life is to be, as far as possible, at peace
with all people.
Our unrighteous judgments will always be confirmed.
Our dream can become a nightmare if God is not calling the shots.
When we think we have God figured
out we tie a knot in our thinking process that gets tighter and tighter with
each debate we enter.
Our compass is
a Voice.
It’s not enough to know what we carry as believers. We also need to know how to unpack and
deliver what we carry. Unpacking
requires faith.
Spiritual shepherds wait
with the people. Natural leaders run ahead and wait impatiently. In God’s
waiting destination loses its significance.
Telling God where we will go or not go – what we demand to make
or not make – is the beginning of a detour
some do not return from.
Communion is like a Red Sea crossing.
We eat the bread to crush the past and drink the wine to celebrate a way opened
up into a new future.
You will never find yourself in a situation where God does not
have a plan of rescue in place. Trust Him.
Try not to refill in your schedule. Allow
canceled space to be a gift from God. He
has things to say in those quiet and unfilled moments.