by | Jun 24, 2022 | Prophetic | 1 comment

Today, calling oneself a follower of Christ and being offended by someone who wants to protect the life of an innocent baby living and developing within the presumed security of a mother’s womb is weak philosophical reasoning. We are living in one of the most clarifying moments in this generation of faith when spiritual sanity or insanity is at stake. 

This will also be a defining moment for those who call themselves leaders in the Church who have been called to protect and preserve the lives of those they love and serve, whether those individuals live inside a womb or out. To align with a spirit of death will compromise and strip a leader of their anointing. All our choices must be wisely considered with a stark and at times an uncomfortable approach to reality, especially when the most innocent and vulnerable among us are involved. 

This week, lines of reality have been drawn against the spirit of death while some progressive theologians continue to soothe and affirm the merchants and proponents of death. No one should make such a life-altering choice regarding the destruction of a baby’s life until they watch a complete beginning-to-end video of a baby being dismembered and sucked from the womb by a barbaric medical procedure called abortion. It is not first and foremost about choice or even the emotions of a woman who is forced to make such a sad and tragic choice. It is about life in all its forms, especially a baby who kicks in playful innocence against the wall of the mother’s womb.

June 24 was a momentous day in our nation’s history.

1 Comment

  1. Paul

    We have been warned about these leaders. This is just one of the passages that warns about these false leaders
    2 Peter 2:1 (NASB20)
    But false prophets also appeared among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.


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