by | Jun 25, 2022 | Prophetic | 0 comments

In a natural sense, if we want to know the future, we need to investigate the past. History repeats itself in a different context and with different players as it unfolds, but it remains the same because it is reproducing something natural. 

If we want to understand the future from God’s perspective, we must open our eyes and ears to prophetic revelation. Only God can interrupt the natural flow of human history and reveal the unfolding of something new and not seen in the record of history. 

There are many prophets speaking at this moment in history. Don’t allow the abundance of prophetic words to create confusion or cause you to distance yourself in frustration from all that is being revealed. Look for the scarlet thread that runs through all authentic prophetic words. Each word will contain a thread that is part of a larger word God is revealing. When woven together they will give us greater clarity of what is about to transpire in our world that will change the course of natural history.

“The Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).


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