Paving A New Way

by | Apr 8, 2017 | Deliverance, Dreams, Faith, Favor, Future, Hope, Trust | 0 comments

Jan and I were driving north on Interstate 5 in Oregon when we entered a construction zone. We slowed and formed a single lane of traffic as directed by an electronic road sign. On the other side of the freeway, a large paving machine was inching its way forward laying down a new roadway. At the time, I felt the Lord ask me to make a note about the paving machine. He would talk to me later about what it meant.

Today, I found the note I had recorded earlier. Immediately, the Lord revealed an image. I saw the paving machine leave the surveyed roadbed and start paving a new and unanticipated roadway. In an instant, the image was gone. With the image came an understanding and a word.

I realize many of you have planned and surveyed how you thought your life would work out. The road that seemed so right was now old and worn and no longer safe to travel. It needed to be replaced.

The Lord wants to take your life in a new direction. He has plans to do something entirely different that will require new levels of faith. You are about to leave the known way. His hand is turning you out of the ruts of the past in a new direction that has not yet been surveyed. You will see a way forward where no way seemed possible. The Holy Spirit will be your survey party for this new roadway. He will show you the way forward. Follow His leading.

This change of direction will be a radical departure from what you expected. Laying this new road has a hidden purpose for you and for those who will follow in your path. That purpose will be revealed in the journey.  Give God a chance to prove Himself to you in what seems like an unpleasant detour but in the end will actually prove to be the pathway to your destiny.


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