by | Aug 6, 2022 | Prophetic | 4 comments

Have you ever been accused of something by a judge and jury of your peers who accepted as absolute truth the accusations made against you without allowing you to state your case? These situations are made worse when such evidence is given traction by the repetition of unrestrained gossip that turns a premature judgment into a statement of fact.  

A trial without both parties being fully and fairly represented is not an unbiased search for truth, it is a misuse of power and a dishonoring display of fear and control. It is especially painful when such incidents move from a personal issue between two individuals to become a church or an organizational response that attempts to protect its interests, either financially or in an attempt to protect its public image. A departure from a Spirit-led resolution is further accelerated when instructions offered by legal counsel create public talking points to protect the legal vulnerabilities of a corporation.

In the coming days, a turnaround will take place for those of you who have not been allowed to state your case and have lived under a cloud of accusation. The wind of truth will soon arrive to blow away those clouds.

Once a full disclosure of fact is made public some of the people who believed the biased evidence formed against you will see the error of their ways. They will come to you and ask for your forgiveness. Start now to forgive those offenders and bless them. That was an instruction given by Jesus that helps us heal and move forward not parking in a place of bitterness, hopelessness, and despair. The people who failed to honor you are not your enemy.

As hard as choosing to bless an enemy feels, it is the one thing that will put a nail in the coffin of Satan’s plan to divide the Church. This was never a battle being fought in the realm of flesh and blood. It is a battle that was being fought in the heavenlies and then it spilled over into our world displaying the weakness of human nature and the content of compromised character.  


  1. Amy

    Amen. Thank you for this timely word.

  2. Annette G Trucke

    Walking through these things can feel horrific. Agreed, walking in forgiveness conquers satan’s attempt to destroy. It’s such a walk of faith to trust God to take care of the lies and stories and to bring about truth. This is another reason we hear in the scriptures the charge to “Be strong and courageous, the Lord thy God is with thee.”
    Thanks, Garris!

  3. Ralaine

    Garris, this word strikes so close to my own situation. Father used this post to encourage me regarding the days ahead where the darkness will be brought to light and His promises fulfilled. Thank you!

  4. Gregory J.

    “This was never a battle being fought in the realm of flesh and blood. It is a battle that was being fought in the heavenlies and then it spilled over into our world displaying the weakness of human nature and the content of compromised character.” Jesus said, “He who is without sin let him cast the first stone” We’ve all been there and we’re all in need of mercy. We will sow mercy so we can reap mercy. Lord, heal the Bride so that she will stop hurting herself. Thank you for the word of prophetic insight and encouragement.


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