Prophetic Language School

by | Oct 22, 2021 | Prophetic | 7 comments

If those in prophetic ministry are going to speak beyond the conventional choir of listeners, a different language and way of communicating must be employed. Some prophetic people continue to use words and images that might have worked in the past, but that old lexicon and movie reel will not be effective in speaking to a culture turned off by the religious-sounding language and dated imagery. A new breed of prophets is rising who are spiritually savvy and more akin to a missionary entering a tribal community and speaking the Gospel in a way that made it possible for the hearers to listen, accept and engage the message.

To the ones ingrained in the old ways of doing prophetic ministry these new voices will sound strange and even appear too “worldly” to some within the current establishment of prophetic ministry. These new voices will gain the ear of their audience because the sound of their voice was not prematurely dismissed due to the repetition of what has worked within the walls of a church building or a conference setting where the room was filled with only the redeemed.

The Lord is taking His prophets back to language school in the Spirit where they will learn new ways of communicating exchanging what only worked on a limited scale to engage a wider audience. Our message is too vital to be dismissed because we did not learn new ways of communicating prophetic insight.

This new cadre of prophets will remain true to the Lord’s original intent, but the medium they employ to carry their message will have made a significant shift. This willingness to use new and different language and methods will allow their message to impact people and institutions beyond the familiar and limited circles of their existing relationships. 


  1. Jeff McLeod

    This is so vital. So many expressions by seasoned Prophets like “Thus says God,” and “for the Mouth of the Lord has spoken” come across as archaic and worse-irrelevant. New translations of the Bible are helping to give us new language as well to communicate the ancient and current messages of God’s Word.

  2. Elizabeth Cox

    Many thanks! Every time I hear “The Lord would say…” I want to ask, “Then why DOESN’T he say it?”

  3. Connie Mergel

    We talked about this at our homegroup last night. How to be relevant to today’s world.
    Thank you for this great insight.

  4. Beth Kennedy

    A new language to take the heart of the Father onto the streets and change nations; a new sound for the new era ♥️

  5. Angela Kerns

    I’m super grateful to hear this. We’ve got to get relevant or we’re going to miss the boat!

  6. James Moyer

    The best tip of the day I heard was, “Just because no one listens to you, doesn’t mean you are a prophet.”


    We must de-eclasticise our language.


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