We are being told that to discover the truth requires that we read between the lines. In that empty space is a widening vagueness that allows people to interpret what is true employing vain imaginations and wild speculation to lead the way. Paul told the Corinthians, “Our letters have been straightforward, and there is nothing written between the lines and nothing you can’t understand” (II Corinthians 1: 13). There was no vague open space of speculation in the epistles of Paul. He wrote and spoke the truth in an unvarnished and straightforward fashion.
The Lord told His disciples, “The truth will set you free” (John 8: 31), not what was expressed between the lines. In a world where we are constantly being told what is acceptable to speak, it becomes a challenge to express the truth with such clarity there is no longer any space left between the lines where the truth is subject to wayward human interpretation, opinion, or imagination.
As the space between the lines continues to widen, we must reaffirm in our generation what is true, or we will become part of the problem of adopting the preferred language of the world and contributing to the widening effects of deception and further delusion. Not allowing the space between the lines to widen and become congested with increasing levels of spiritual confusion will create simplicity and clarity in our equipping of the saints and for the message we share with the surrounding culture. That focus of simplicity and clarity will create, as Paul wrote, a message where there will be “nothing you can’t understand” (vs. 13).
Because the declaration of what is true does not allow for any space between the lines, mockery, shaming, and outright rejection will take place for those who speak the truth. This will happen in the world with increasing regularity, and sadly, also within some parts of the Church, where people would rather live in the wide space of acceptance where they feel more comfortable doing “what seemed right in their own eyes” (Judges 21:25).
Truth leaves no empty space between the lines. It takes compassion and courage to live this way, especially when we take our faith public and voice an opinion in the space between the lines regarding what is true and what is not.
That’s why I benefit so much from your posts – there is no reading between the lines. You are clear, concise and have given these matters deep thought. Thank you for writing to us every day. Your posts are booster shots of courage and truth for each day and I am grateful my friend in Jerusalem forwarded one of your messages to me. I signed up immediately.
As we have seen, the current incarnation of Woke(ism) as a 21st century expression of cultural Marxism, is still committed to the original goal “the destruction of private property.”
In Woke’s case, the definition of “private property” has been extended to include race (white privilege), reputation, history, family, binary-heterosexual-monogamous marriage, competence-based authority, civil dialogue, and biblical norms.
Rather than simply reacting to BLM, LGBTQ, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and other messaging shots across the bow, it is time for 5-Fold leaders to crisply reaffirm the Truth.
Even my workplace is now wanting me ( and every 100 or so employees) to sign a piece of paper agreeing and understanding that I will not say certain things. I am not allowed to state a fact anymore. I am not signing and have told my boss so.