by | Mar 13, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

When Israel realized the Assyrian army was about to overcome their nation, it was a desperate time. Fear and uncertainty were overcoming the hearts of the people. At that time, Isaiah offered the people an invitation, “Search the book of the Lord and see what he will do” (Isaiah 34:16). As Israel searched God’s word, they discovered a profound truth, “His Spirit will make it all come true” (vs. 16).

As Isaiah continued, he said that in the middle of this work of the Spirit, “There the Lord will display his glory, the splendor of our God. With this news, strengthen those with tired hands and encourage those who have weak knees. Say to those with fearful hearts, Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you” (35:2-4).

Isaiah went on to prophesy about the coming of Jesus who would heal the sick and mend the broken. The Lord’s presence would be like a spring in a desert creating an oasis in a dry place and declaring “springs of water will satisfy the thirsty land” (vs. 7). The Lord would create highways in a desert and call it the Highway of Holiness. The redeemed will walk on that highway where “Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness” (vs. 10).

All the promises and hope that Isaiah addressed would be discovered by those who “Search the book of the Lord and see what he will do.” We are not without direction and hope for the future if Jesus is our Lord and we search His book for answers to what troubles us.

In this pivotal place in the history of the Church and our nation, those who search God’s word for His truth will never be so disappointed they will lose hope no matter what kind of trouble they see happening. It’s in times like the ones in which we are now living that God does His most profound works of redemption. We know this because His book tells us so.


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