Slippery Slopes

by | Aug 10, 2014 | Culture, Forgiveness, Truth, Wisdom | 0 comments

There are slippery slopes on both sides of
every mountain of human opinion. Be careful. Some people believe that slippery slopes exist only on the opposite side
of the mountain from their current understanding of the facts.

When you ask God for wisdom you are not asking
Him to confirm your opinion.  Your
request for wisdom is an invitation for the Spirit to come and make adjustments
in your thinking before you demand others to do the same.  It is in the reception of God’s wisdom and the
subsequent adjustment to your thinking where humility and mercy begins to flow
through you to those who hold a differing opinion.  Humility and mercy are the evidence that you
have received the wisdom from above. This evidence is the only true foothold on
the mountain of public opinion.


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