by | Jul 13, 2022 | Prophetic | 1 comment

If we are to accurately interpret what is taking place in our world and speak in the name of God regarding those issues, we need to reposition our lives so we can see what is developing from a heavenly perspective.

This week something unique happened – twice. In two separate instances, I listened to a futurist and an economist use the same metaphor to describe how they make decisions. They said a coin is typically seen as having two sides – heads or tails. Both the futurist and economist said there is a third side – the edge.

The futurist said that intelligence is displayed by someone looking from the edge to observe both sides of an issue and then from that evidence form an opinion as to what direction culture is moving. The economist said he formed his investment strategy in the same way regarding financial issues. What is revealed from the spiritual edge is a higher form of revelation than what can be produced from our native intelligence. Posturing our lives on a prophetic edge will allow us to see and speak from the heavenly realm offering what natural evidence cannot provide. The choice to live on the edge will also create division and separation from those committed to a single side of the coin who see a decision to live on the edge as an act of relational betrayal.

An uptight, constipated version of faith lives on only one side of the coin, thinking the edge represents a compromise. That narrow kind of faith interprets spiritual realities from a limited pool of information, a biased pool. The followers of a one-side-fits-all kind of faith rarely see the bigger picture of a developing reality. This conflict resembles the time when the angel of the Lord appeared to Joshua just before the assault on Jericho. Joshua asked him, “Whose side are you on—ours or our enemies? Neither he replied” (Joshua 5:13-14). The angel spoke from the edge.

Seeing life from the edge produces a higher level of revelation because it does not parrot a single side of the coin in slavish and blind obedience. Those who choose to live on the edge will discover that more is taking place in the world than their limited interpretive skills and partial revelations could have imagined. In times of history like the one in which we are living it is too easy to emotionally adhere to one side of a coin and its heated rhetoric and think that is the full measure of what God is saying.  

1 Comment

  1. Lin

    wow…soooooooo true…I had a thought…” Imagine this…the very place we will find balance is living in the unseemingly position of the edge…our rational thought would say ‘oh too risky..not safe….you’ll fall and fail’ AND Come on…you are too wishy washy…but our God given prophetic insight says PERFECT…Lord keep my position…a result of your insight rather than flawed man made opinions”


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