by | Apr 29, 2023 | Prophetic | 11 comments

It’s important to discern and appreciate the wide variety of expressions of faith that exist within the Church. We are not all the same. To require that all believers express their faith in lockstep is a very limited understanding of the diversity God intended for His people.

In our region of southern Oregon, we live in an area known for a variety of microclimates. A microclimate represents weather conditions that can be very different from an adjacent area just a few miles away. Our valley can be socked in with fog and because our home is several hundred feet higher than the valley floor, we are in bright sunlight. One part of our valley can be windy while our trees are motionless. Some areas of our valley grow better crops than others, and so on.

There are spiritual microclimates in the Church determined by God. Each will accomplish certain tasks in specific areas of our world under the direction of the Spirit. We have microclimates when it comes to how people process their faith in civic matters and politics. Others are influenced by global financial issues. Some dive deep into certain aspects of theology. Others are known for worship. Each microclimate of faith is part of a much larger expression of the global Church. When a local Church has a variety of microclimates all functioning at once, it takes wisdom to lead such a diverse group. 

I’ve always been nervous around people who think their understanding of the Church, and how it should operate, is what the rest of us should aspire to as a single goal. All our expressions of faith together represent the spiritual microclimates of something much larger. Each one has value in God’s eyes. He is raising a diverse family, not a group of robots. 

A wise meteorologist will interpret weather patterns beyond the limited insight provided by a local microclimate. They will look at regional, and global weather patterns that will inform them of what is approaching. Wise leaders in the Church, and those who follow their lead, will look beyond the preferences of personal microclimates to see what’s coming. The interpretation of something much larger will help to inform those in their care how to prepare. We need that kind of interpretive wisdom in the Church at this time because global weather patterns are forming that will greatly affect all our lives. When our microclimates come together we are able to see with greatly clarity a much larger and developing image of reality.



    You have a gift in recognizing what the Lord is doing and explaining the form and function in terms of what we experience in the natural. Good word.

  2. Katherine

    good word!

  3. Ahava

    Nicely said! I’ve always thought the same thing, I like the example of microclimates ❤️ thank you Garris

  4. Cynthia Sherstad

    Thank you for presenting this interesting perspective about the way God has designed His church.

    The first time I heard the term “microclimate” was during a recent vacation in March to the Big Island of HI. An article I read in some tourism literature stated that one of the reasons they love living there is because it contains 15 microclimates throughout the island. I experienced it!

    This term has now become very personal to me because that is one of the many reasons I fell in love with every part of that island. Diversity in terrain, climate and people. I can see God’s hand in this.

    While spending 10 days on that island the Lord introduced me to my new church family, Kona Coast Fellowship. They will soon become my physical church family as God is in the process of moving me to this paradise.

    The way this came about is a major testimony and is still continuing to develop. One sign after another has been given to me by the Holy Spirit and He’s saying “I want you there.”

    I leave WA state on 5/25/2023. My already car shipped out to Hilo on 4/25/23. Miracles upon miracles of His provision continue to take place as I prepare to leave my home state.

    There’s a couple from OR who now live in Kona and attend Kona Coast Fellowship. Through this church I met Ann Dunegan, founder of Mission-Minded Women (who also grew up in WA state) while visiting. She learned of my move and said maybe she could pass the ministry baton on to me for the women’s group at KCF while she and her husband are back in WA for the summer. I said “Yes!”

    This lovely church meets on the beach in Kona and have done so for 33 yrs. This little, but most loving church (without walls) is exactly what you are describing. They know who they are and they seem to understand in the Spirit how God has purposefully set them in that place.

    So you can see that for me your blog on “microclimate” is yet another confirmation and celebration of God’s eternal creative hand.

    Thank you again for writing about the microclimate of God’s Spirit. It’s true!

    • Gaylean S Maynard

      This article is such a confirmation of what I have been sharing for a long time. The full expression of the kingdom is diversified. Cynthia your testimony blessed me as I am a missionary and in waiting for new effectual doors to open up. I’m all about advancing the kingdom of God wherever He orders my steps.Thank you

      • Cynthia Sherstad

        Thank you Gaylean for replying to my comment. I’ve never considered myself a traditional “missionary” yet like you said, I too am about advancing the kingdom of God, so I’m a microcosm of missionaries. He sends me wherever He wants me to go and I’ve finally learned to go when He says “Go” and I now stay put where He tells me to stay put.

        I’m glad you felt blessed because you blessed me as well! May the Lord of the Harvest continue to open wide to you the doors of His Wheat-field.

  5. Kevin Shearer

    The One Eternal Way by Kevin Shearer

    The way is straight and narrow
    through The Son to Father’s side
    where witness to creation lives
    and shines a light to guide.

    Born of a virgin, pure and true,
    that Scripture be fulfilled.
    His Father’s Kingdom here on earth,
    He came to find and build.

    He suffered all for you and me.
    His teachings would display
    the love for all The Father has.
    The One Eternal Way.

    All righteous hearts now shine His Light
    of peace and love each day.
    The sins of man paid on the Cross.
    The One Eternal Way.

    • Cynthia

      Beautiful poem! May I share it on my ministry pages? Citing you of course.

      • Kevin Shearer

        Yes Cynthia you may and I have more. If I knew how we could connect, this could happen.

        Blessings to all.

      • Kevin Shearer

        Web Site: kingdomwinds.com/kevin Shearer archives


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