Today, a new traffic roundabout opened in our community. It is not like the ones we have in neighborhoods for local traffic. This one services a major highway and is large enough to enable semi-trucks to navigate easily. A roundabout is designed to keep traffic moving.
As I thought about the roundabout, it reminded me of how we process revelation. The latest revelation is not a destination. No matter how profound something sounds, it is not supposed to be where we park our spiritual life and orbit forever. At some point, we have to exit, not abandoning its truth, but to move on to more truth. Faith is not stationary.
To stay within one insight or revelation and think we have arrived would be akin to someone entering a roundabout and continuing to drive in circles, never exiting. Eventually, they would run out of gas and block traffic.
We can build our lives and ministries around something we heard that was good and right but find ourselves never moving on to something more. The danger with this way of thinking is that it keeps us orbiting around something that God never intended to be a destination, only a point of transition in a much larger journey of faith.
Wow 😮 fantastic and just what I needed to hear. Be Blessed