by | Sep 9, 2022 | Prophetic | 0 comments

The Lord has positioned certain believers in strategic locations to observe what is not seen by a casual and untrained observer. For many within the Church, what these strategically placed ones see, and report on can be interpreted as fantasy or even delusional thinking because they have been told what to see and believe and then with blind obedience interpret that false information as truth calling it reality. The information gained by these spiritual observers is like a police stakeout where criminal activity is observed and recorded and then a case is made from the data collected that will expose and eventually convict a perpetrator. 

When I worked as narcotics agent and later as an intelligence officer in an organized crime unit, stakeouts were a common feature of those assignments. Long coffee-fueled nights were spent behind binoculars, cameras or wearing earphones trying to hear hushed conversations of criminal activity. A stakeout’s purpose was to collect evidence hidden from plain sight that would stand up in court to prove a crime had taken place or uncover an organized criminal conspiracy.

The evidence some of God’s prophetic observers are beginning to see will be prophesied to the Church in greater detail and with greater clarity in the coming days. Before you impulsively reject these messages trace your reflexive impulse back to the source that is telling you to reject an uncomfortable revelation. These revelations are sent to protect and deliver us. They will also expose the perpetrators of deception.

Those with discernment will comprehend a deeper spiritual reality that is taking place when the reports come in from these spiritual stakeouts. To go on with life as usual and continue to live spiritually uninformed is not a wise choice. Neither is a reflexive rejection to what is being revealed. These revelations may at first sound strange, unfamiliar and uncomfortable, but in the end, they will form a body of evidence that will stand up under the scrutiny of the courts of Heaven and yield a righteous verdict that will set the captives free.  


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