I debated whether to share the following experience, not because of any fear or doubt. I wanted to make sure I had permission from the Lord to make it public or keep it private as a personal experience. The Lord just gave me permission to share.

Last Wednesday morning, I was on a prayer walk through the woodlands near our home. I saw just a few people hiking on the trails. I was in one section of trail where I rarely encountered another person even during normal times. All of a sudden, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around in preparation to step aside and allow someone to pass by, but no one was there. At that moment, I knew an angel was walking behind me. I could not see the angel, but the sense of his presence was as real as if a flesh and blood human was behind me. I said out loud, “I sense your presence.” When I turned back around to continue walking, I sensed another angelic presence in front of me. All three of us were walking together. 

I inquired of the Lord what this encounter meant, and He said, “I have dispatched angels to walk as rear guards to follow my people and way-maker angels to walk in front of them as they follow the path of their faith.” A beautiful and powerful peace enveloped me as I continued to hike. 

You and I are not, nor have we ever been alone as we step forward in faith. God has positioned the resources of Heaven to walk with us through valleys of dry bones and through fields of plenty. We are always accompanied. The great assault taking place in this moment of history is an assault of fear, not a virus. This fear has been released in an attempt to immobilize our faith by making us believe we are naked, alone, and abandoned. Don’t accept the invitation to this fear. You are not alone. You are surrounded by angels on assignment who carry the glory of God. They are walking with you at this moment, and they have you covered on all sides. Keep moving. Faith, not fear, is the way forward. 


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