by | Dec 2, 2023 | Prophetic | 2 comments

I saw a news clip where reporters were all declaring the same phrase. It started with one reporter appearing on the screen, then a second one appeared followed by more reporters until the screen became a concert of images all saying the same prepared line. There was a problem. What they were all saying was not the truth. It was a lie. It was a lie repeated in programmed unison that would attempt to prepare us to believe what they said was the truth without further inquiry.

Great deceptions and masquerades are taking place. The true evidence of what is happening in our world has been hidden behind a barrage of false evidence. It is hiding behind what appears to be reasonable but is false. Only by inquiring of the Lord to have Him reveal what is accurate can we confidently move through a sea of illusions to discover the truth of a matter.

After Israel conquered the cities of Jericho and Ai, the Gibeonites saw the power of God demonstrated. They lived close to Ai and knew they would be next. A plan was devised to trick Joshua and the Israelites into believing they were from a distant land. They were dressed in worn-out sandals, and ragged clothes carrying dry bread to add to their masquerade in preparation to meet with Joshua. They resorted “to deception to save themselves” (Joshua 9:4).

When Joshua questioned the Gibeonites about where they lived, the Gibeonites held up a piece of old crusty bread and said, “This bread was hot from the ovens when we left our homes. But now, as you can see, it is dry and moldy” (vs. 12). The Israelites examined the bread, “but they did not consult the Lord” (vs. 14). As a result, they formed a binding oath of protection with the Gibeonites because of the unconfirmed evidence they saw and felt but did not inquire of the Lord to determine its veracity.

The information entering our minds daily is increasing in content, velocity, and accessibility. What seems obvious to our natural mind and aligns with our prejudices, cannot be trusted to reveal what is true. Only the Lord can reveal the truth hidden within a well-crafted deception. If we are willing to first inquire of the Lord, He will be faithful to reveal what the natural evidence is hiding. That pause to inquire of the Lord, no matter how long and uncomfortable the wait might be, will keep us free from forming alliances that lead to us into bondage, not into a place of freedom.


  1. Richard M Smith

    Thank you, Garris. This is a great truth clearly explained. Deception is Satan’s only weapon. It’s not just what is said, the evidence, but who is saying it and why. “…When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

  2. Ron Carter

    ‘Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.’ We folk are so smart (intelligent) we most often neglect going deeper into WISDOM (as a result of asking/seeking God). Thank you for reminding us and making us aware that this pursuit is needed daily. Today’s culture, where up is down and right is wrong, it is imperative we keep our guard up to discern false prophets of propaganda and ask our Lord to give us the wisdom to know the difference.


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