by | Jun 27, 2022 | Prophetic | 3 comments

Jan and I are coming up on 49 years of marriage in just a few weeks. The longevity of our marriage has produced a relationship that is as real as it can get. Being together this long leaves no room for pretense or faking it. Last week a few things took place that humorously reminded me of God’s mercy and what a good life with a good woman looks like.

One morning, I was looking for one of my baseball hats. I was sure Jan had moved it. When I went into the kitchen to ask where she put it, she said, “It’s on your head!”

Later in the same day, we got into our car to take a drive. I leaned over to give Jan a kiss. She agreed and leaned over in my direction to seal the deal, both of us moving in each other’s direction in a full pucker mode. We stretched as far as we could while seat belted in our seats and contorting our bodies to their full extent. The planned kiss stopped just short of the press of our lips. We were just inches apart from each other hovering in midair. When we realized the kiss wasn’t going to happen due to our physical restraints, we started laughing finally releasing our puckered lips before our face muscles started to cramp up.  We called it good, backed out of the garage, and were on our way.

There are other moments of humor not suitable for prime-time that come to mind when two people have lived together for a long time. I chuckled recalling some of those moments as I write these words. I have found that a relationship of friendship and the frequent expression of humor make for the best marriages.

My advice? Marry your best friend and laugh a lot. Those two gifts will help to heal the soul of your relationship and they will go a long way in keeping your love alive.


  1. David James Stewart


    I was reminded of the story that Billy Graham and his wife Ruth told of one morning when he called out impatiently from the bottom of the bedframe where he usually put his pants before going to bed, ”Where are my pants?” She replied, ”You are wearing them!”

    May the Lord continue to bless you and Jan richly. My parents were given 62 years of wedded ”usually bliss” and died within four months of each other, my dad at the age of 94 and my mom at 85 years young.

    Thank you for mining and extracting so many rich veins of truth from life to share with us with wisdom, grace and love.

    Holy Spirit peace, joy and love!

    David Stewart
    Ottawa, Canada

  2. John Anderson II

    Amen (we’re working toward our 47th).

  3. Cheryl Thomas

    Ha,ha! Love this! It reminded me of times that we have had in our marriage as well! Got to have laughter in your marriage!


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