by | Jan 7, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

We’ve all had hidden sins in our lives at one time or another. For those who lead God’s people, unresolved sin has a greater consequence. It causes those who follow their lead to put their trust in a leader until a time when the leader’s sin is uncovered. This uncovering is happening now in the Church. As it is exposed, we must gain a perspective on the heart of God, or we will be tempted to abandon our faith thinking a failed leader represents a failed Church. 

Ezekiel offers an example of what happens in these times. It is a principle that spans covenants.

As Ezekiel was addressing the leaders of the city, the Lord spoke. “The Spirit said to me, ‘Son of man, these are the men who are planning evil and giving wicked counsel in this city” (Ezekiel 11:2). The Lord called out the wayward leaders and defined their evil.

Even though the people in the city had followed the errant ways of their leaders, the Lord had another plan. “I, the Sovereign Lord, will gather you back from the nations where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel once again” (vs. 17). People who live under this kind of failed leadership no matter how right it may appear on the surface, will suffer a scattering, not a union. In those scattered places, the mercy of God will be revealed bringing His people back to a singular understanding of what is true, right, and acceptable to the Lord.

As the work of God is fulfilled and the people return to a place of spiritual sanity the Lord will do something only possible when He is the One doing the leading. “When the people return to their homeland, they will remove every trace of their vile images and detestable idols” (vs. 18). The imagery of deception that swept over the city and scattered the population can only be removed by God through a confession and repentance that realigns them with the Lord.

All that God does when He gathers back a wayward people to himself has a single purpose. “I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart” (vs. 19). This cannot be accomplished except by the hand of God. All the personal promises to do better next time or any attempt to sweep sin under the carpet to keep a religious organization financially afloat cannot accomplish this miraculous transformation. Only God has this ability.

A “singleness” of heart has also been translated as “one heart” and “an undivided heart.” The Lord will bring the scattered ones back from where they have been scattered by the sins of their leaders and allow them to repossess what had previously been abandoned through disobedience.

As we look out over the Church in this age and see the exposed sins of some leaders, do not lose heart. In that exposure, we must understand the love of God is at work as an act of mercy. The Lord is coming for His scattered people to reunite what has been divided by sin and naivety.

The Lord is bringing us back from where we have been scattered to experience a singleness of heart and a new expression of His Spirit revealed in us to the world. Don’t become hardhearted in these times of painful transition. Remain pliable in God’s hands. He is reforming what became displeasing to Him so that He can anoint once again what had fallen into the hands of darkness and no longer reflected His heart and mission to the world. 


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