In a perfect world, a level playing field is where all parties have a chance for success without bias. While that can appear to be an admirable pursuit, when personal merit and integrity are removed and opportunities to succeed are forced upon us, the playing field is no longer level. It is imbalanced.
In God’s Kingdom, a level playing field is the opposite of the world’s definition. God’s playing field is defined by our willingness to obey the voice of God and stand for truth no matter what the opposition. God’s field of play is about the condition of our hearts and our willingness to yield to His will amid culture-wide opposition. This allows the most unqualified among us to rise to places and positions not thought possible when a manipulated natural playing field is being forced upon us.
In the coming days, the Lord will bring definition to His playing field. Some of you will obey your way to a place of recognition that will oppose those falsely promoted to positions of influence. You will resemble the prophets of old who were willing to do as God commanded even as the cultural systems in their day opposed their promotion.
“The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)
Amen and Amen
Yes!!! He will use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise!